Fighting Chickens – How to Raise and Train to Fighting Chicken

Fighting Chickens

Fighting chickens, once they have good fighting skills, can be a money-making tool for their owners. So let’s learn about their characteristics, and how to raise and train them to turn an ordinary chicken into a top fighting chicken in the arena with 55 BMW.

Characteristics of fighting chickens

Fighting chickens have strong, muscular bodies, especially the muscles are completely different from meat-eating chickens. Therefore, the way to raise and care for them is also different.  To raise a good chicken, the cockfighter must have knowledge as well as certain experience in this subject. For those who are new to raising chickens, you must pay attention to their characteristics. Each different breed of chicken will require a different diet, nutrition, and training.

How to raise and train fighting chickens?

First of all, everyone must choose for themselves a breed of chicken with qualities and potential. Thus, care and training will become more meaningful. To be successful in raising a good chicken, please follow the instructions below. 

Nutrition for chickens

Nutrition is an important factor, so it will be mentioned first when talking about raising fighting chickens. The main food that chicken keepers should feed them is rice. Soak the rice in water to remove the broken grains, keeping only the whole grains. If conditions are better, chicken keepers should feed sprouted rice, which will have more nutrients than regular rice.

How to raise and train fighting chickens?
How to raise and train fighting chickens?

In addition, do not forget to add bait and fishy substances for fighting chickens. Pork, pork cartilage, or beef can be good choices. These fishy substances play an important role in training their eagerness to win. Besides, breeders should also add green vegetables to the fighting chicken’s diet. This is a way for them to have a good digestive system and not have stomach pain. 

Training mode

To achieve the best results in caring for fighting chickens, feeding is not enough, there must be a scientific training regimen. Chickens need to be trained regularly to train their inherent flexibility, helping to optimize the necessary skills.

Breeders can use common tools to practice, thereby helping to strengthen leg and thigh muscles.  Next is the technique of practicing breathing and kicking. During the first months of practice, breeders should alternate these training sessions. It is recommended that players maintain about 3-5 times in the first month, the following months can increase or decrease depending on physical condition.

Where to buy fighting chicken?

Owning a chicken with potential energy is an opportunity for players to optimize their ability to earn money. If you have a god chicken, everyone is extremely lucky, because money will continuously flow into your pocket. So to find a quality fighting chicken, please refer to the following two addresses.

Buy at famous farms

If the locality where people live has reputable trading farms, then go buy directly. Observing with the eyes will help the cockfighter observe the characteristics carefully, making it easier to negotiate. 

Where to buy fighting chicken?
Where to buy fighting chicken?

Depending on the breed you are aiming for, they will have different prices. Imported fighting chickens will be more expensive than native chickens, usually, crossbred chickens will be more expensive than purebred chickens.

Buy at Good Market

There is an online channel for you to buy fighting chickens, which is Good Market Buying and selling fighting chickens on this trading floor is extremely popular. Just search for keywords about the breed, and a series of results will appear. Then, you can use the filter to review the price from low to high or locate the location to find farms near you.

In case you decide to shop online, you must ask the seller to provide a video of your health status. Moreover, if there is a sparring video, it is even better because the cockfighter will grasp the level of the chicken’s ability. 

An overview of fighting chickens and the necessary information concludes today’s article. Hopefully, everyone can find a potential chicken for themselves and train them to become the number one fighting chicken in the arena. Don’t forget to refer to information from the 55BMW Sabong section to gain more new knowledge.